Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My Bubba...

now, when i say BUBBA, i don't mean it in the redneck sort of way...you must say it with an indian accent...not native american indian...i mean, india indian...SHOUT OUT, ZUBIN! anyhow, i love my brother, so much...he just posted an awesome blog about childhood memories...it's hard to think about childhood, without thinking of brandon...we really had some good times as kids...and i can always count on brandon to bring the skeletons out of the closet...such as old pictures of my frizzy permed hair (daddy was dating "edie" the manager at regis hairstyle, at the time!) and extremely buck teeth...with a HUGE gap in them...as a matter of fact, i believe he has some pics on his myspace of when we were little...lets just get it all out in the open...thanks bubba...brandon and i have always had a dry, sarcastic sort of humor...i often wonder where it came from! we lived out in the country...with our grandparents...hmmmm? i'll be thinking about that one...we were just laughing, the other day, about how we used to fight....i mean, literally, fight...brandon threw rocks at me almost every day while we waited for the bus...(no car riding for us:) we were raised by our grandparents!) i hit him in the head with a hot wheel or something one time...and brought much blood...i was a scrapper, but brandon fought to kill...but luckily, I'm Still here!!! wooohooo! the funniest thing that i can remember that i did to get even with him, was to throw his beloved transformers over the fence...our neighbor bush hogged pretty often, so they were obliterated before too long...HAHA! i never realized that our poor dad was working seven days a week...and his hard earned money bought those transformers...oh well...anyway, we had some good times...love you bubba!

1 comment:

Brandon said...

Bubba! Love the blog! Just for the record, that wasn't a hot wheel you hit me in the head with, it was a freakin' metal tonka truck. Anyways, we definitely had some good times. I would also like to take this moment to reflect on all the brave Transformers that were lost in the battlefields of Cohutta between the years of 1988-1994. God rest their souls. Bubba.